Brassicaceae (Cruiferae).

Brassica campestris. ( Mustard Family).

            Systematic Position:-
           Class : Dicotyledonae
           Sub class: Polypetalae
           Series : Thalamiflorae
           Order : Parietales
           Family : Brassicaceae
Disribution: The family includes 375 genera and 3,200 species widely distributed throughout the world but abundant in north temperate zone with Mediterranean as the major centre. 
In India the family is represented by about  51 genera and 138 species mostly in tempreate and alpine Himalayas. 
5 elected India genera :- Brassica, Eruca, Capsella, Pvaphanus, Iberis. 
Habit : Annual, blennial or perrinial herb with pungent watery sap , herbage commonly covered with branches or stallate unicellular hair , nearly subshrubs. 
Vegetative Characters : -
Root :- The plants have usually a tap root which becomes fleshy in some cultivated species, such as Raphanus sativus (radish) and Brassica rapa ( turnip). 
Stem:- The Stem is usually herbaceous, branched, solid, hairy and erect . 
Leaves:- Mostly simple, alternate, exstipulate with unicellular either branched or unbranched hairs. 
Floral Characters :-
1 Inflorescence = Typically a raceme or corymb raceme. 
2 Flower = Mostly astinimorphic, complete, hermaphrodite and hypogynous. 
3 Calyx = 4 Sepal , polysepalous , in 2 whorl of 2 each , Outer whorl is anterio - posterior. 
4 Corrola= 4 Petals, distinct, curiform and imbricate. Yellow in colour, aestivation velvet. 
5 Androecium= Usually six stamens which are tetradynamous, arranged in two whorl, Outer 2 short and inner 4 long , anther bicelled, basifixed and introse. 
6 Gynoecium= Bicarpellary and syncarpous with a superior ovary unilocular become bilocular due to appearance of false septum placentation parietal, style is simple or absent and the stigma is two - lobed or discoid. 
Fruit:- The fruit is a siliqua. 
Seed:- The seeds are small, nonendospermic and usually with a curved embryo. The cotyledons are oily. 
Floral formula:-
Name = Vartika Sharma
Class = BSc 2nd sem
Roll no. = 89
Section = A
College = GDC kathua
